Dog, Safety, Winter -

Keep your dog safe this winter

Not all dogs are suited for outdoor play in cold weather. Some dogs have thick coats designed to withstand cold temperatures, whereas others have thin coats that can’t keep them warm. Here are some ways you can keep them safe this winter.

Girl with dog in snow

Get a preventive care exam done

Cold weather may worsen some medical conditions such as arthritis. Get your pet examined by a veterinarian before winter and make sure he/she is ready and healthy enough for the cold weather. 

Be aware of your pet’s tolerance

Like people, cats and dogs are susceptible to frostbite and hypothermia and should be kept inside. Shorten your walks on very cold days. No pet should be left outside for long periods in below-freezing weather.

Play dress-up

Consider a sweater or dog coat especially if your pet has a short coat. Use a dry sweater or coat each time your dog goes outside. 

Don’t neglect exercise

Start with short sessions outside and slowly increase so they have time to adjust. Once you’ve acclimated your dog and prepared for cold weather, continue walking your dog in winter and let him play outside. You can also consider indoor games or puzzle feeders to keep them busy if the conditions are too cold or icy. 

Provide location choices

Pets prefer comfortable sleeping places and may change their location based on their need for more or less warmth. Provide your pets with some safe options and allow them to change their sleeping place to adjust to their needs. 

Protect the paws

To protect your dog’s paws in winter and prevent cracked pads, try putting your dog in booties. Salt, antifreeze chemicals, and ice shards can cut and irritate paw pads. You should clean the paws with room-temperature water after every walk to rid the paws of salt, ice or chemicals.

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